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With Audra N. Fournier

Welcome to the Inside The C-Suite, an interview show where we bring you inside the brilliant minds of executives, business owners and corporate leaders to learn about the passions that propel them to greatness.


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About Inside the C-Suite

Our mission is to guide others to success by leveraging the experience and roadmaps of successful leaders.

As a result of Inside the C-Suite, members of our audience will obtain fundamental leadership and business skills, and techniques from some of the greatest minds in their industries.

Each viewer will see the vulnerabilities of real individuals, with real struggles, challenges, and obstacles. They will see how those leaders overcame setbacks, and roadblocks along the way to greatness.


Our goal is to collaborate with corporations that are in alignment with this goal and want to connect with this community through fostering meaningful relationships and connections between Executives, Business Owners, CEO’s and Corporate Leaders, and their consumers.

We use multiple media outlets which allow clients the ability to identify the right target audiences, enabling them to optimize their efforts to reach the community and increase their visibility through these platforms.

Meet Audra

Audra Fournier

Audra Fournier

During her practice as a coach, Audra clearly identified a challenge when it came to business ownership. Either her clients had started businesses because they had a skillset or passion, and didn’t have a fundamental understanding of business, or they had a knowledge of business but lacked the passion and fortitude to drive it forward.

Inside the C-Suite connects these individuals with leaders that are willing to share their experiences so they can learn, connect, collaborate and provide a sense of direction towards success!

Get In Touch

Have a question about what you’ve seen on past episodes or a suggestion about a future episode? We’d appreciate it and love to get to know you.


Phone: 850.778.3214

inside the c-suite

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